Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Will the passangers too tight to use heathrow express please give up their seats to weary commuters subsiding this service

Inspired by Amy's stroll through unrelated but always funny musings in her latest blog, I thought it high time I put tip to key and blogged again with a view of some degree of consistency in future as there has been some big old gaps of late.

So, what have Helgarama and I been up to (or Captain Fantastic and Stardust dweeb - which is our new names as inspired by our pajamas). A lot, or at least feels likes that but a flick through the diary says otherwise! October was relatively uneventful other then a nice weekend with Marie and Gary-Claire (TM) to see Boeing Boeing. It was an unexpected extended stay as Helen/Stardust Dweeb fell ill to a mystery disease that according to an unhelpful lady in the toilets of a restaurant was the cause of the epidemic of deaths at the local hospital (nothing to do with it being the third worse in the country then?). And of course birthday celebrations which was brilliantly - so thank you all for a fab day and evening :)

I sat my exams and I think they went ok - thank you M and G*C for hospitality that meant I was only down the road from the exam centre. We were meant to travel to Pompey "land of hopes and dreams" on that weekend but sadly our super powers were zapped from us and we were struck down by our arch-enemy Lady Flu (or known in the inner circle as the Common Cold). We did however make it down the weekend after and it had its highs and lows! (is that ok to sum it up like that Chris?). Dad's new house looks amazing and definitely inspired by noted interior designer Madam Balch the second.

And so, just like that we come to last week - saw a dire play at the National - Women of Troy (a radical re-working - why didn't we see that as the warning sign?) it was so awful it was funny (sort of) that was some genuinely desperate tragic moments, stripping actresses (you don't expect bush for a fiver) and the climax including a random pregnant lady walking backwards along the whole length of the stage! We went to a lovely tapas bar before hand and got home in 45 mins from Waterloo as our train was about to leave and the next one was in 50 mins so it was a good job well done. As it seems our sign of aging is the plays we are seeing far out weigh the gigs, we saw Les Mis only a few days later which was fantastic despite the lack of bush. We do have a gig to attend soon so looking forward to that (here's a warning sign like never before - we are seeing them as Helen is a fan of the lead vocalist who is more famous as an actress and even more famous for dating kd Lang, they have not produced an album and I know none of their songs!).

The best news is we are going on the market tomorrow! You can probably guess just how thrilled we are about this. We have seen a place we like too in Leyton that we are seeing again on Thursday and intend to give some serious thought.

Work is both going well for us both - Helen is really enjoying her new job which I am pleased about and she looks very smart in the mornings bless her (when she gets home is another story). So life is really treating us well. We hope to be on the move soon as you can imagine and looking forward to being closer to work which means more time at home and living somewhere that is a bit more vibrant. We are definitely considering a house-chilling party so watch this space.

Well, Allie has just come in smelling of a bonfire so I shall sign off and make sure she is evenly crispy.

Hope all are well.

Love Kat x


Brinstar said...

Kat, don't worry about the Uh Huh Her gig. I have it on good authority that they rock and are all kinds of awesome. One of my friends saw them in San Francisco a couple weeks ago.

Amy said...

Yay! You're moving! Congratulations on getting the gaff on the market at long last! I think 2008 is set to be a good'un!

Hope to see your lovely faces soon!
